Resilience – searching for security in times of protracted crises
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crisis management

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Stępka, M. (2021). Resilience – searching for security in times of protracted crises. Przegląd Politologiczny, (2), 105–117.


In times of protracted and periodic crises such as epidemics, increased migratory flows and climate change, resilience has become an attractive and increasingly relevant approach to security. It opens new avenues of inquiry about crisis management introducing a refreshed perspective on diffusion of responsibility or temporality of security. Resilience is understood as an ensemble of societal and individual mechanisms for dealing with crisis situations, adaptive capabilities and “bouncing back” to a form of normal state after a period of crisis. This article discusses the complexity of resilience, outlining a synthesis of the current understanding of this concept from political and security perspectives, and promoting resiliencism as a promising analytical framework. In this way, the article calls for more significant inclusion of resilience in studies on Polish security practices and discourses.
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Artkuł powstał w wyniku realizacji grantu Narodowego Centrum Nauki nr 2015/19/N/HS5/01229, oraz projektu pt. „Rezyliencja (resilience) jako paradygmat bezpieczeństwa w czasach pandemii COVID-19. Przypadek Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej” finansowanego ze środków konkursu SocietyNow!#1 w ramach programu Inicjatywa Doskonałości w Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim.


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