Social sciences to the rise and development of cryptocurrencies: an analysis of the notion


Satoshi Nakamoto
technological revolution
financial instruments

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Mincewicz, W. (2021). Social sciences to the rise and development of cryptocurrencies: an analysis of the notion. Przegląd Politologiczny, (3), 93–104.


The aim of the article is to conceptualize, that is, to explain, analyze the meaning and indicate the framework for the interpretation of the concept of “cryptocurrency” in social sciences, including political science. As issue an interdisciplinary, polysemic and at the same time novum technological novelty, cryptocurrencies are a challenge for representatives of the world of science. The proposed heuristic model of concept analysis based on the technological, legal and economic aspect indicates that in the broad sense of cryptocurrencies it should be understood as: decentralized, functioning in a network with a peer-to-peer architecture, cryptographically secured, based on trust and consensus, type of virtual currency, that meets some of the functions of money. Explaining the content by one aspect of the functioning of cryptocurrencies is its narrowing down.


Artykuł powstał w ramach realizacji projektu: Postawy polityczne użytkowników kryptowalut w Polsce finansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki, przyznanego w ramach konkursu Preludium 18 na podstawie decyzji numer 2019/35/N/HS5/02222. Kierownikiem projektu jest mgr Wojciech Mincewicz.


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