China as security actor in Africa
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Kaczmarek, F. (2022). China as security actor in Africa. Przegląd Politologiczny, (1), 19–33.


The historical security actors in Africa have been the colonial powers, and after the decolonization period, the leading powers of the bipolar world. The third actor to influence the security of parts of Afri ca is becoming China. The research questions posed are: what role does China play in security in Africa, and how is China’s role changing in this regard? The research methods used were document analysis and statistical analysis. The subject matter of the analysis included China’s multilateral peacekeeping missions; Chinese financial support for pan-African and regional security institutions; China’s military bases and exercises in Africa; China’s arms and technology exports; the activities of the private security companies; and China’s narrative regarding this aspect of international cooperation. The conclusions, drawn from the research, indicate that China’s security policy has undergone significant changes, which affects its role as a security actor in Africa, among others. The essence of the changes in China’s policy is the move away from the principle of non-interference and the adoption of the principle of limited engagement. As a result, China has not become the main security actor in Africa, but has become one of the security actors in the region.
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