Democracy indices and current state of their advancement for measuring quality of democracy at a local level
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Quality of democracy
Democracy in cities
democracy index
Varieties of Democracy project

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Andrzejewski, S. (2022). Democracy indices and current state of their advancement for measuring quality of democracy at a local level. Przegląd Politologiczny, (1), 109–122.


How to measure democracy? How to assess, whether one democratic regime is more democratic than other, and on what basis? Democracy quality measurements on state level exists since 1946, and thanks to them democracy indices like Freedom House, Polity IV or Varieties of Democracy have been developed. Except state level there are fewer tools, and existing ones – like Local Autonomy Index – doesn’t concern municipalities. This article put forward a thesis, that democracy index on municipality level is needed for thorough democracy quality analysis in polish municipalities. In article previous experiences in measuring democracy on municipality level has been analysed. Then examples of local democracy indices has been discussed e.g. The Civic Index z USA and the newest proposal of democracy index for portuguese municipalities. In conclusion, an outline of methodology that measure democracy in municipalities in Poland has been proposed.
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