Analysis of the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) through the lens of four distinct profiles: radical, niche, anti-establishment, and party reputation, 2013–2017


extreme reputation

How to Cite

Lipa, B. (2022). Analysis of the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) through the lens of four distinct profiles: radical, niche, anti-establishment, and party reputation, 2013–2017. Przegląd Politologiczny, (2), 91–105.


After the 2017 election, the radical right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) became the Bundestag’s third-largest party. While the rise of the AfD drew scholarly interest, most publications analyzing its evolution were published during a period when the party was undergoing transition, the euro-crisis had decreased in prominence, and the party was going through an inner conflict between liberals and radicals. This article seeks to provide a systematic examination of how these developments have impacted the party from 2013 to 2017 and endeavors to answer the question of whether the AfD has become more mainstream by utilizing the framework devised by Akkerman et al. (2016) to assess party transformation along four key dimensions: 1) shifts in radical positions on key issues; 2) shifts from a niche to a socioeconomic-focused party; 3) shifts in the anti-establishment profile; and 4) shifts in party reputation. Through an analysis of internally and externally oriented material such as electoral manifestos, party documentation, published interviews with AfD leaders, and press releases, the article shows that the AfD has not shifted toward the mainstream. Instead, the party became more radical on the first three dimensions while demonstrating signs of mainstreaming on the fourth dimension in order to avoid legal action.


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