Implementation of China’s environmental policy and modes of governance
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public policy
modes of governance
environment policy

How to Cite

Świstak, M. (2023). Implementation of China’s environmental policy and modes of governance. Przegląd Politologiczny, (1), 83–96.


The article refers to the implementation of environmental policy in China in the context of public policy. It was assumed that the goal of research into the implementation of China’s environmental policy is to recognize and understand the mechanisms governing this public policy. This is important because Chinese environmental policy formulated at the central level is accused of an implementation deficit at the local level. The purpose of the article is to identify key problems (mechanisms) for the implementation of the PRC’s ecological policy in the light of global experience. The article attempts to verify the hypothesis that the implementation of environmental policy in China is the result of many factors, the dominant mode of governance in the country is considered to be the key one. It has been identified that we are dealing with a command model for implementing environmental activities. The main mechanisms and entities responsible for the occurrence of the so-called implementation gap has been identified.
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