The Arab Spring has led to a number of political changes in many states of North Africa and the Middle East. Elsewhere, it has led to internal conflicts and mass protests. It has triggered transformations, which all autocratic leaders in the Arab world should fear, as well as witnessed international rivalry for power. Saudi Arabia is one of the clearest examples of this. It might seem that this conservative, absolute monarchy is particularly susceptible to the radical protests of crowds demanding political changes. Simultaneously the state, which aims to play the role of a regional power, competing for this position against Iran, has had to take a stance and engage in the events in the region. Pacifying internal protests, Saudi Arabia resisted the Arab Spring on its territory. By contrast, beyond its borders it has supported either the protesters or ruling regimes depending on its current political interests. These interests are dictated by the rivalry against Iran, and rely on defending its spheres of influence (Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia) while displacing Iranian ones (Syria, Yemen).References
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