International community towards the Afghan refugee question – fight against the threat, cooperation towards the challenge
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international cooperation

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Potyrała, A. (2024). International community towards the Afghan refugee question – fight against the threat, cooperation towards the challenge. Przegląd Politologiczny, (1), 135–151.


The aim of this article is to prove that refugee movement (as well as migration caused by economic reasons) which occurred as a result of the withdrawal of American and allied troops from Afghanistan, is – on one hand – a factor destabilizing international situation, especially in the region. On the other, it determines intensification of international cooperation of states (both: transit and destination) and international organizations. Analyses use scientific methods of social sciences, particularly International relations. Current nature of the analysed problem determines research material used. Analyses and inference base on primary sources (such as reports of international organizations, resolutions of the UN Security Council and General Assembly, documents of ministers of foreign affairs of states involved) as well as secondary sources, mostly media releases.
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