In the center of the Middle East, surrounded by millions of hostile Arabs, the best way to guarantee its existence Israel must project an image of an invincible power to deter its enemies from attacking. This is the main component of Israel’s security concept. However, On October 7, 2023, it seemed that Israel lost its deterrence when Hamas, joined by other Islamic terror groups, launched a surprise attack, including firing rockets, brutal raids of fighters, and kidnapping hostages. Although Israel has a strong and sophisticated army with technological superiority, the Islamic organizations felt confident launching the attack. This paper aims to explore the factors that encouraged Hamas and the Islamic resistance front to go on the attack. The October 7th attack came after ten turbulent months characterized by civil protests, strikes, and demonstrations of thousands of Israelis who struggled against the intentions of Netanyahu’s government to change the Judicial system. A study of public statements given by Islamic leaders can shed light on the mindset of radical Islamic organizations. The central claim is that Hamas and the Islamic groups perceived the civil struggle in Israel as the fulfillment of the religious vision written in the Quran. The conclusion is that Israel’s military power is not enough to maintain deterrence and project power toward Islamic organizations, but social cohesion is needed, too.
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