Examples of activities of Polish and German public transport organizers for the participation of urban residents in the current coordinating network and management of urban transport
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management of urban public transport
functional areas large cities
citizens participation
new technologies at urban public transport

How to Cite

Tomaszyk, M. (2016). Examples of activities of Polish and German public transport organizers for the participation of urban residents in the current coordinating network and management of urban transport. Przegląd Politologiczny, (4), 207–228. https://doi.org/10.14746/pp.2016.21.4.16


Organisation and management of the public transport is one of the most important tasks of local authorities. Having regard to the dynamically changing conditions of transport policy of modern cities, activities in this area are the challenge of the standardisation of transport offers, match it to the transport needs and expectations of the inhabitants not only individual cities, but the entire metropolitan areas. One of the ways to transport the transport needs matching listings is the current coordinate based on diagnosis and analysis of the reported demands. In a much broader context of information policy and public operators of public transport is part of the modern management of urban areas and meets the demands of the smart city concept. In addition, the openness of the entities responsible for the management of urban transport is an example of deliberation methods to support local authorities in the management of the city. The author takes on the activity of the managing entities responsible for public transport for citizens participation in the functional areas: Berlin, Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk, Leipzig and Stuttgart.

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