The main objective of this paper is to present the attitude of the European Union to the issue of food security. Price volatility in the global market has a significant impact on the economic security of the participants. This particulary applies to commodity price volatility. Excessive volatility in commodity price effects both producers and consumers has a serious implication for food security. In the context of globalisation in a period characterized by sudden changes in food prices, such as for 2007–2008, the food situation in many poor developing countries worsend. It was expected that the increase in food prices in 2010 may lead to the further spread of the phenomenon of malnutrition and further intensification of tensions and unrest among the weaker consumers in the world. An important role in changing this situation can be played by the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and European Union. Food security issues also for the European Union are very important and actual both from theoretical and practical point of view.
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