Increasing the share of women on the labour market is an urgent issue that Europe must face in the context of aging society, which is perceived as a threat for the future socio-economic situation of European countries. However, in 2012 women’s participation in the labour market of the European Union was even by 12.2% lower than that of men. Poland was among the few countries with the greatest difference in the share of sexes on the labour market. One reason for women’s lower professional activity is the difficulties in combining work with family responsibilities. For many women maternity means long-term unemployment, or even resignation from a professional career, in relation to difficulties with returning to the labour market. Labour law may have a positive or negative impact on the situation of women on the labour market. An important regulation in this regard is one that regulates working time. Based on the analysis of the applicable regulations from the Labour Code, the article focuses on the available ways of working time management by the employee in the context of possible combining of work and the fulfilment of family responsibilities.
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