Many recent philosophical discussions have been marked by the rather stunning re-launching of the question of realism, triggered by Quentin Meillassoux‟s book After finitude (Après la finitude, 2006), and followed by a wider, albeit less homogeneous, movement named „speculative realism‟. This paper raises the question of whether the conceptual field of Lacanian psychoanalysis is concerned with this debate, and if so how. The central argument scrutinizes the status of the „real‟ in science, and its implications for psychoanalysis in view of the Lacanian identification of the subject of the unconscious with the subject of (Galilean) science. Taking seriously Lacan‟s claim that „If I am anything, it is clear that I‟m not a nominalist‟, the present paper aims at sketching out a psychoanalytic version of realism.References
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