International relations as an independent new discipline has been created by a process of separation from international law. The theory of international relations very rightly stressed that States’ conduct neither can be fully determined nor can be viewed and analyzed exclusively by a prism of legal norms. Nevertheless, such approach can be criticized when it leads to underestimation, neglect or even rejection of any role for international law in international relations. In fact none international order can exist without principles, norms, procedures and institution based and created by international law. The end of the Cold War has created new opportunities for development and evolution of international law. One can observe profound changes concerning the notion of sovereignty, subjectivity, responsibility. The principle of non-intervention is replaced by the UN principle „responsibility to protect”. Individuals responsible for international crimes due to the creation of many international tribunals are brought to criminal responsibility. An era of impunity comes to the end. Notion of international community and subjects of international law needs in 21st century a redefinition. Despite great increase of numbers and importance of non-state actors States preserve their dominant position. United Nations system should be reformed. All intergovernmental, international organizations should put human beings of the center of their activities. The role and importance of international law in 21st century is on rise. This is due to the need to meet new challenges and threats confronting international community. That why, international agreements and regulations are indispensible. International law is also under influence of new processes in particular globalization, regionalization and integration, including the European Union. Studies of international relations cannot be properly developed and brought adequate and just results without taking into account international law. By the same token international law without taking into account broadly understood international relations is threaten to be dogmatic and disconnected from reality.Bibliografia
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