The participation of soldiers in combat missions is one of the tasks that requires not only physical– but because of stressors – also psychological preparation. Participation in warfare involvesexposure to physical, cognitive, emotional and social inconvenience and is considered an important risk factor for the psychological disturbances. However, the literature on the subject also indicates the positive effects of confrontation with the stressors (e.g. postraumatic growth). The aim of the study was to determine whether the intensity of combat exposure and social support are related to both the negative and the positive psychological consequences of participating in warfare. The study, conducted by soldiers participating in the Afghan war, showed no connection between the intensity of combat experience and the well-being of soldiers. Not informing the family about difficulties experienced by soldiers was related to a greater number of psychological disturbances. Moreover, it turned out that not received social support, but the soldier’sconviction about the possibility of receiving this form of help, together with refraining from sharing their difficulties with family members, contributed to positive psychological changes.The results demonstrated that the psychological effect of participating in a military mission is not so much dependent on the intensity of the combat experience, as from the soldier’s conviction that social support is available from non-family member.
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