Security Priorities and their Perception by Local Communities. A Survey of Population in Wielkopolska 2015-2017


internal security
security priorities
security assessment
sense of security

How to Cite

Nowiak, W. (2019). Security Priorities and their Perception by Local Communities. A Survey of Population in Wielkopolska 2015-2017. Strategic Review, (12), 195–214.


The aim of the article is to present the results of studies carried out in Wielkopolska regarding the perception of security by local communities, declared priorities and the impact of public debate and the media on these priorities. The studies were carried out in the former administrative region of Konin in 2015, 2016 and 2017. As the analysis shows, the narrative regarding individual and collective threats presented by politicians and the media had a large impact on individual priorities. This is evident from the assessment of the threat to national security and the assessment of such phenomena as terrorism, immigrants or the possibility of aggression from the East. With regard to individual security and changing priorities in this area, the impact of stabilization resulting from the implementation of social programs of the Law and Justice Party, with a special focus on the “Family 500 plus” program, is clearly noticeable. The results of the studies explicitly recommend their continuation in the years to come.


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