Dimensions of Social Diversity in Europe


social diversity
EU social model

How to Cite

Szewior, K. . (2019). Dimensions of Social Diversity in Europe. Strategic Review, (12), 283–297. https://doi.org/10.14746/ps.2019.1.18


The aim of the publication is to learn the dimensions of social differentiation by applying socioeconomic indicators, as well as to indicate the importance of economic and social conditions as the leading factors in building the social order of national states and the European Union. The main research question concerned the issue whether and under what conditions it is possible to achieve improvement in the level of social cohesion? The experience and knowledge allow to assume that the most important in achieving social and economic cohesion are: the level of economic development and socio-political consensus regarding the distribution and circulation of social goods, rather than the model of national social policy. The adopted assumption was verified, confirmed the dominant role of the social contract, the scope of social solidarism and the developed GDP. These elements determine social development and determine the competitive advantage of national economies. In view of the weakness of institutions and EU-wide solutions, they consolidate the multidimensional disproportions between European societies. The analysis is based on research methods of politics and social policy. Statistical data was provided by national and EU institutions.



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