Russian Scientific Journals in the Area of International Relations – 2018 Review

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Macuhin, A. (2019). Russian Scientific Journals in the Area of International Relations – 2018 Review . Strategic Review, (12), 423–426.


Yudin N. (2018) Faces of power: debate in international relation theory. A wrong turn? „International Trends”, Vol. 16, No. 3 (54).

Tsigankov P., Trenin D., Lomanov A. et al. (2018), Current and faster moment, „Russia in the Global Affairs”, Vol. 4.

Lukin P., Oznobischev S. (2018), Russia in the World of the 21st Century: Accomplishments and Hopes, „Polis. Political Studies”, Vol. 6.

Ponomarev N., Mailis A. (2018) Russia’s foreign policy in the evaluation of the leaders of the non-system opposition: a comparative analysis, „Comparative Politics Russia”, Vol. 9 (4).

Gadjiev K., Some advocacy points to Westphalian principles, „International Affairs (russian)”, Vol. 11.

Nadtochey Y. (2018), Defense cooperation models at the northern and on the eastern flanks of the EU (Norden and Visegrad group experience), „Comparative Politics Russia”, Vol. 9 (2).

Klemeshev A., Vorozheina Y. (2018) National-Conservative “Turn” of Poland in Geopolitical Context, „Polis. Political Studies”, Vol. 5.

Article E. (2018), 19Th National congress of the Communist party of China: internal and external effects and prospects of China’s reforms, “Comparative Politics Russia”, Vol. 9 (2).

The current Russian-Chinese relations is the best in all our history (In Rus. Нынешние российские – китайские отношения – лучшие за всю историю) (2018), “The International Affairs (Russian)”,

Kashin V. (2018), China’s military strategy in present (In Rus. Военная стратегия Китая на современном этапе), Vol. 6.

Lecsiutina Y. (2018), China as a responsible world power, “The International Affairs (Russian)”, Vol. 16.