The European Union – Japan Strategic Partnership in the Contested Global Order. External Relations of the EU in the Context of Economic, Normative and Security Framework


strategic partnership
European Union
external activities of the EU

How to Cite

Jańczak, J. (2021). The European Union – Japan Strategic Partnership in the Contested Global Order. External Relations of the EU in the Context of Economic, Normative and Security Framework. Strategic Review, (14), 59–73.


The aim of this article is to review the strategic partnership of the European Union-Japan in the context of the changing global order, exploring economic, normative and security dimensions. This leads to wider reflections allowing us to theorize international relations with regards to the concept of strategic partnerships. The research question concentrates on what the foundations of the strategic partnership between the European Union and Japan are, and how it answers the challenges in the three above indicated fields. The hypothesis is formulated from the perspective of strategic partnership theory. Methodologically, the work is based on the analysis of primary and secondary sources, as well as on qualitative methods implemented in the form of semi-structured interviews. The key findings reveal that the changing global order and international environment have pushed both partners to create a strategic partnership that has spilled over from economic relations to the normative, political and finally security fields.


The article was written as part of a project co-founded by the Erasmus Programme of the European Union “Jean Monnet Center of Excellence EU EX/ACT-EU External Actions in the contested global order – (in)coherence, (dis)continuity, resilience” (ref. 599622-EPP-1-2018-1-PL-EPPJMO-CoE).


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