Anne Applebaum’s Strategy of Telling the History of International Relations in Central and Eastern Europe


strategy of building a historical narrative
telling the past of Central and Eastern Europe in the West
Central and Eastern Europe
Anne Applebaum
public intellectuals

How to Cite

Nosova, B. (2021). Anne Applebaum’s Strategy of Telling the History of International Relations in Central and Eastern Europe. Strategic Review, (14), 93–105.


The text aims to present the strategy used by Anne Applebaum to bring the history of Central and Eastern Europe closer to western audiences. In the article, the author was presented as a journalist and public intellectual who developed an original way of speaking and writing about the past of Central and Eastern Europe. She has been portrayed as a kind of mediator who attempts to explain the essence and sources of the diverse identities and narratives that have formed among the nations and cultures of Central and Eastern Europe. Selected assessments of her activity, formulated by historians as well as public opinion leaders, were also presented.


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