Abraham Accords Against the Backdrop of the Middle East Political Mosaic


Abraham Accords
United States
United Arab Emirates
League of Arab States

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Kosman, M. M. (2022). Abraham Accords Against the Backdrop of the Middle East Political Mosaic. Strategic Review, (15), 105–122. https://doi.org/10.14746/ps.2022.1.7


In the second decade of the 21st century, many processes destabilized regional security in the Middle East. These include, first of all, the Arab Spring and the civil war in Syria, in which Russia, the United States, a number of regional powers and many non-state actors were involved. Iran’s nuclear ambitions turned out to be another major challenge, especially after the US withdrew from the JCPOA agreement in 2018. The pro-Israel stance of President Donald Trump’s administration has also strongly influenced the Middle East mosaic of interests. Under these circumstances, in 2020, Israel’s agreements with several Arab states, known as the Abraham Accords, were concluded. The aim of the article is to describe these agreements, analyze their causes and outline their consequences. The author adopted the hypothesis that the Abraham Accords constitute a significant step towards strengthening the acceptance of Arab states for Israel and its strategic interests. In the preparation of the text, the method of document and literature analysis was used primarily.



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