Convention relating to the Status of Refugeesand Turkish Practice. The Problem of Asylum-Seekers coming from Beyond the Eastern Borders of Turkey
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Refugee Convention
Eastern borders of Turkey

How to Cite

Szkudlarek, M. (2014). Convention relating to the Status of Refugeesand Turkish Practice. The Problem of Asylum-Seekers coming from Beyond the Eastern Borders of Turkey. Strategic Review, (7), 323–341.


The aim of this article is to take an attempt to analyze Turkish policy towards foreigners looking for a shelter on the territory of Republic of Turkey. Increasing importance of this issue during last few years arises first of all from ongoing civil war in Syria, as a result of which a number of Syrians in this country exceeded 700 thousands. What gives rise to particular controversies in this matter is the fact that Turkish state uses double standards in the issue of granting the refugee status. Turkey, as a one of four countries in the world, when signing the Convention and Protocol relating to the status of refugee, announced an introduction of a so-called geographical limitation. As a result, while the refugee status can be granted only to persons coming to Turkey from beyond it’s western borders, those who come from countries like Syria, Iraq or Iran are being called ‘asylum seekers’ (tur. sığınmacı). That means that they are not entitled to benefit from a conventional refugee protection system. The objective of this article is not only to present a legal and real situation of victims of the Syrian civil law but also to make an attempt to foresee moves that may be taken in this matter by the Turkish government in the future. In order to make the analysis possibly most comprehensive either English or Turkish language sources were used by the author during preparation of the text.
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