Disinformation in the Polish Media Space in the First Year of Russia’s Full-Scale Aggression Against Ukraine


information warfare

How to Cite

Łukasik-Turecka, A. (2023). Disinformation in the Polish Media Space in the First Year of Russia’s Full-Scale Aggression Against Ukraine. Strategic Review, (16), 251–260. https://doi.org/10.14746/ps.2023.1.18


The aim of this article is to analyse the disinformation activities of the Russian Federation as well as to analyse the content of pro-Kremlin disinformation messages present in the Polish information space during the first year of Russia’s full-scale aggression in Ukraine. The research area is Polish-language internet portals and social media. The research period covers one calendar year, from 24 February 2022 to 23 February 2023. In the course of the research conducted, the following methods were used: content and content analysis and the analysis of the data found. The following research questions were formulated in order to realise the purpose of the deliberations conducted: What media were used to spread disinformation? What topics did the content of false narratives focus on? What goals did disinformers choose in the case of the Polish media space?

Based on the research questions, research hypotheses were formulated. It was assumed that disinformation activities primarily covered the Polish internet and social media space. It was assumed that anti-Ukrainian and anti-refugee themes dominated among the false messages. It was assumed that the disinformers’ chosen objectives were to create aversion in Poles towards refugees and to create anxiety and fear of war. As a result of the analyses, all hypotheses were positively verified.



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