Unification of Ukrainian Society in a Postwar Period as a Preventive Mechanism to Avert the Crisis of State


civil society
return migration
repatriation policy
unification of society
crisis of state system

How to Cite

Lavrynenko, H., & Donaj, Łukasz. (2023). Unification of Ukrainian Society in a Postwar Period as a Preventive Mechanism to Avert the Crisis of State. Strategic Review, (16), 321–331. https://doi.org/10.14746/ps.2023.1.23


The study involves the analysis of unification of Ukrainian society in a postwar period to prevent the crisis of state system. It is claimed, that upon the war termination the issue of creation of universal Ukrainian society forming model arises, which is supposed to represent a symbiosis of foundations of nationwide well-being and prospects of Ukraine strategic development. It is shown, that the existent division of society into those who stayed in Ukraine and those who left for other countries can scale up in a long run. The loss of conceptual univocity in the course of developing such categories as “victim,” “patriot,” “traitor” and “savior” in civil society bears evidence to the mobility of self-identification process of existing population clusters and possible appearance of new categories of populace in the not so distant future. The rationalization for human capital is provided as well as the necessity of having regard to the mentioned factor while elaborating the postwar country development strategy. Special attention is paid to the problem of implementation of repatriation policy. Its types are defined, and the mostly acceptable options for Ukraine are characterized, including the direct and active or in direct and mediated state’s stimulation of nationals’ returning to the ethnical Homeland. Based on the conducted analysis of current experience of European countries, it was concluded that it is the controlled process of return migration that is the key component of consistent country development.



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