Germany after World War II – Crucial Frontline of Intelligence Services War

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Raubo, J. (2012). Germany after World War II – Crucial Frontline of Intelligence Services War. Strategic Review, (2), 115–126.


After 1945 the most important everyday mission performed on the border between the cold and the hot war was, however, the one fulfilled by forces which belonged to a less visible but still extremely important formation – namely the Intelligence Services, Counter-intelligence Services and, above all, their agents and analysts. While a cold-war tension was rising and the two German states were built, a territory of the current Federal Republic of Germany turned into one of the biggest fronts of world espionage. An experience which stems from the observation of the activities of the Intelligence Services operating on the German territory indicate, that every state in the world, which is a contact point for possible confrontation of stronger subjects, becomes an object of focus for many Intelligence Services. Therefore, it is important to, apart from developing partner relations with other countries, strive for the best possible protection of the country’s own interest.


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