Role of Special Forces in Defence System of Republic of Poland
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Special forces
Defence system

How to Cite

Wiśniewski, R. (2014). Role of Special Forces in Defence System of Republic of Poland. Strategic Review, (7), 59–80.


In the last two decades special operations forces became an important component of many states’ defence systems, providing important contributions to actual military operations, as well as to a general potential for the achievement of given objectives. It stems chiefly from unique capabilities of those forces, which make them especially useful in the current international security environment. Those factors proved to be decisive for the far reaching evolution and dynamic development of Polish special forces. This article aims to analyse special operations forces’ utility for the fulfilment of the Polish Armed Forces’ basic missions (as stated in the Defence Doctrine), as well as to present perspectives for their further development (through the opportunities, challenges, risks and threats framework).
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