The Evolution of the Jihadist Threat in Europe
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The Jihadist threat

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Wejkszner, A. (2014). The Evolution of the Jihadist Threat in Europe. Strategic Review, (7), 225–236.


The purpose of this article is to analyze the most important sources and manifestations of Islamic radicalism in Europe. In order to achieve this aim the historical and the ideological determinants of the development of this phenomenon have been presented, followed by identification of the main stages of the evolution of jihadist threats and actors affecting its evolution. In that respect main argument of this article is that the jihadist threat to the security of selected European countries has relatively increased in the last few years and is dependent of the following issues: the process of radicalization of Muslim communities in Europe, changes in tactics and organization of jihadi groups, the success of the recruitment process and anti-terrorist activity of Western countries.
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