The first decades of the XXI century have shown that mankind has once again suffered disappointment in optimistic forecasts, promising peace and harmony to the people. Increasingly, symptoms are manifested that contradict solidarity: increased distrust, centrifugal tendencies, the desire to leave unions and associations, the growth of violence, the spread of the threat of terrorism – all this indicates the growth of destructive trends in the modern world. In this situation, reliance on force (whether hard or soft) seems much more preferable than trying to reach consensus. It is not surprising, therefore, that almost all theoretical models that focus on the rationale for consensus strategies, have faced a serious crisis of legitimacy if not lost their impact on real policies. The article analyzes the base theoretical foundations of the solidarity concepts of the second half of the twentieth century, identifies their vulnerable positions, which served as a target for criticism in modern political science and political philosophy, and traces the possible vectors of their transformation.
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