Jesus in the Qur’an
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Jesus in the Qur’an
Christian-Islamic dialogue
Koranic Christology

How to Cite

Halczuk, P. (2021). Jesus in the Qur’an. Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 40, 99–110.


The question about Jesus was and is considered in the context of the whole history of the world. It was and is continuously asked: Is Jesus a great religious leader of humanity and only man? Does God the Father speak through Him, to give the final answers to human questions? Is Jesus a Legend? This article tries to answer the following question: What image of Jesus is contained in the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam? For Muslims, the Qur’an is the basic knowledge about Jesus. It is, therefore, important that Christians get to know “Jesus of the Qur’an” /the “Koranic Jesus”, who has a lot in common with “Jesus of the New Testament”/ the “New Testament Jesus”.
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