Theological Interpretation of the Upheavals in the Area of Work. An Approach of the Evangelical Church in Germany
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Evangelical Church in Germany
technological progress

How to Cite

Kopiec, P. (2021). Theological Interpretation of the Upheavals in the Area of Work. An Approach of the Evangelical Church in Germany. Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 40, 79–97.


The article presents the Evangelical teaching on work in light of the emergence of a new socioeconomic order, denoted as the fourth industrial revolution. It shows how the theologians from the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) adopt the social teaching of the Reformation to the current situation and discusses their systemic vision of relationships in work and education. Theological reflection of the EKD focuses on the axiological foundation for the political and social programs. The concept of work as vocation is a crucial component of it. The article examines selected Church documents in the wider context of descriptions of the current upheavals in technology, economy and society.
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