The Theological Profile of the Signs of the Times
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signs of the times
autonomy of a sign
causality of a sign
theological cognition

How to Cite

Moskałyk, J. (2022). The Theological Profile of the Signs of the Times. Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 41, 119–129.


The signs of the times, as particular phenomena in human history, demand above all to be recognized in relation to revelation. Because this the Bible that creates the true background for their theological understanding and at the same time for their salvific character. The human interpretation of the meaning of a sign, including in terms of religious content, is characterized by a rather diverse perspective. Generally speaking, it can be reduced to positive and negative, but it undoubtedly contributes to the experience and development of a person. However, in a theological sense, the signs of the times leave a lasting feeling of both inaccessibility and cognitive inexhaustibility.
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