Woman as the call of being according to Eastern theology and the example of Jadwiga Zamoyska
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Parole chiave

Jadwiga Zamoyska
a symbol of spirituality
the economy of femininity
Eastern theology

Come citare

Moskałyk, J. (2023). Woman as the call of being according to Eastern theology and the example of Jadwiga Zamoyska. Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 44, 95–106. https://doi.org/10.14746/pst.2023.44.5


Man understood as the image of God has an inalienable right and the ability to express his identity as a woman or as a man. This proves the ontological equality of a man and a woman, equally called to overcome the limitations of individual nature. The modern movements of women’s liberation efforts in the pursuit of freedom often lose sight of the basic sense of humanity. The result is sometimes their highly confrontational style of struggle for their own separateness and autonomy, leading to the achievement of an exclusive position and total opposition to the male form of leadership in community life. This seems absolutely strange to Jadwiga Zamoyska’s attitude. Meanwhile, today a woman, like a man, needs to rediscover the lost aspects of Christianity in herself, which would allow her to constantly remain in harmony with herself.

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Riferimenti bibliografici

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