Estetyka technociał.
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Gajewska, G. (2012). Estetyka technociał. Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, (6), 123–138. Abgerufen von


The article Aesthetics of the Techno-bodies deals with the cultural and contextual complexity of the modern and postmodern figure of the cyborg, or rather the human relation to technology. The main problem is the formulation of the scope of the aesthetics of techno-bodies or aesthetic of artificial bodies. It is a contribution to a more extensive problem concerning the aesthetic, condition and possibilities of development of contemporary human who enters more and more intensively and further and further into the postbiological era. In the article I am analysing four artistic works: 1. “Das schöne Mädchen” (Beautiful Girl) by Hannah Höch; “Tête Méchanique” (Mechanical head) by Raul Hausmann; “All You Zombies: Truth before God” by Roberd Long; Cyborg by Lynn Randolph. Analysis of these artworks is used to show different ideological and aesthetic approaches towards techno-bodies.

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