Über den Zeitpunkt und die Ursachen erster Ansätze zur Modifikation der Kriegszielplanung und der Okkupationspolitik Hitlerdeutschlands (Herbst 1942 bis Frühjahr 1943) [On the timing and causes of the first attempts to modify the war objectives planning and the occupation policy of Hitler's Germany (autumn 1942 to spring 1943)]
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occupation policy
World War II
Hitler's Germany
occupied territories
German war aim planning
international situation

How to Cite

Nestler, L. (1979). Über den Zeitpunkt und die Ursachen erster Ansätze zur Modifikation der Kriegszielplanung und der Okkupationspolitik Hitlerdeutschlands (Herbst 1942 bis Frühjahr 1943) [On the timing and causes of the first attempts to modify the war objectives planning and the occupation policy of Hitler’s Germany (autumn 1942 to spring 1943)]. Studia Historiae Oeconomicae, 14(1), 123–140. https://doi.org/10.14746/sho.1979.14.1.009

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One of the findings about Hitler's Germany's occupation policy in the temporarily occupied territories that is not or hardly disputed is the finding that the character and specifics of this policy were essentially shaped by two factors: firstly, by German war aim planning, i.e. by the importance and future fate of the respective people or state in the long-term objectives of Hitler's Germany's leadership, and secondly, by the changing international situation, i.e. above all by the contradiction that increasingly characterized the objective situation of the Axis powers due to the military situation changing to their disadvantage after 1941/42.

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