Die Eigentumsverhältnisse und die Verwaltungsstruktur der oberschlesischen Industrie 1939 - 1945 [The ownership and administrative structure of Upper Silesian industry 1939 - 1945]
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World War II
Upper Silesia
Third Reich
heavy industry
mining and steel companies

How to Cite

Sulik, A. (1979). Die Eigentumsverhältnisse und die Verwaltungsstruktur der oberschlesischen Industrie 1939 - 1945 [The ownership and administrative structure of Upper Silesian industry 1939 - 1945]. Studia Historiae Oeconomicae, 14(1), 273–282. https://doi.org/10.14746/sho.1979.14.1.022

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Following on from the lectures presented, I would like to point out the importance of Upper Silesia's industrial potential in the war economy of the Third Reich and the resulting restructuring of ownership structures and reorganization of heavy industry. The economic administration of the Third Reich and the German companies were interested in the East Upper Silesian industrial region even before the outbreak of World War II. Many articles appeared in the trade and daily press that bore the characteristics of propaganda, which were intended to portray the difficulties, harassment and neglect of Upper Silesian industry in the Polish state. On the eve of the outbreak of war, the mining and steel companies in the western part of Upper Silesia, as well as companies from other parts of the Reich, intended to take over the mines and mines and other heavy industry facilities in Upper Silesia. The economic management of the Third Reich, which had to overcome enormous difficulties in obtaining raw materials, expected great benefits from the annexation of the eastern part of Upper Silesia. In addition, there was a precise knowledge and overview of the raw material deposits and production capacity in this area, especially since the share of German capital here was considerable.

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