Madame de Sade, a shingeki play by Yukio Mishima, first published and performed in 1965, still enjoys huge popularity all over the world. In my work, I consider the meaning of the drama and the connections between the Japanese and the European theatre, Marquis de Sade’s philosophy, the French Revolution and the history of Japan. I ask questions about the drama’s popularity and the possibilities for its modern staging.Bibliografia
Pleasure of Rope, reż. B. Bentley, Wielka Brytania 2015.
Bochodyrowicz B., Żeromska E., Mishima Yukio (1925–1970), Warszawa 2008.
Paglia C., Seksualne persony. Sztuka i dekadencja od Nefretiti do Emilly Dickinson, Poznań 2006.
Sade D.A.F. de, Justyna, czyli nieszczęścia cnoty, Łódź 1989.