The material basis of the article consists of words of German origin derived from Standard German: 126 nouns and 15 words representing other parts of speech. In addition, the author includes 13 words of Lower German origin. Today, these words are no longer a part of oral communication or are used rarely (idiolectally).
Hinze F., 1963, Die deutschen Lehnwörter im Pomoranischen (Kaschubischen), Berlin. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783112738634
Jeszke J., 1964, Zur Erkundung von Wortinfiltraten im Kaschubischen, „Roczniki Humanistyczne TN KUL” XII, z. 4 (1954), [Lublin].
Lorentz F., 1934, Kaszubi, kultura ludowa i język, Toruń.
Senn A., 1925, Germanische Lehnwortstudien, Heidelberg.
Sychta B., 1967-1976, Słownik gwar kaszubskich na tle kultury ludowej, t. I-VII, Wrocław
Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 Jerzy Jeszke

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