Sorbian studies in Japan: trends and perspectives Summary How does it come that Japanese scholars get interested in Sorbian studies? In this paper we review how Sorbian studies emerged and evolved in Japan, centering on the humanities – especially on linguistics and literature studies. Of course, motivations to work on Sorbian studies vary from scholar to scholar. But characteristic of the situation in Japan is that along with interested Slavists, not a few Japanese researchers on Sorbian studies have begun their study with a German studies background. This fact suggests that a joint approach from the German and Slavistic viewpoints may enrich Sorbian studies in Japan. At the end of this paper, the actual list of works on Sorbian themes by Japanese researchers written in languages other than Japanese is added as an appendix.References
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Works on Sorbs by Japanese researchers written in languages other than Japanese
Hibiya Junko 2006. ‘Recensija. Goro Christoph Kimura: Mytos přirodneje asimilacije a kumštneje rewitalizacije’ (Tokio: Sangensha 2005)’. Přeł.: K.G.C. Rozhlad 56 (8). 305.
Kimura Goro Christoph 2000, ‘Kio vivtenas minoritatan lingvon?’ Etnismo 67. 7–9.
Kimura Goro Christoph 2001, ‘K róli katolskeje cyrkwje při zdźerženju serbšćiny’. Rozhlad 51 (1). 6–11.
Kimura Goro Christoph 2003, ‘Wuwiće serbskich elementow we Wosadniku po 1945’. Sorapis 4. 91–101.
Kimura Goro Christoph 2004, ‘Hornjoserbsko-japanski słownik wušoł’. Rozhlad 54 (3). 106–107.
Kimura Goro Christoph 2008, ‘Jak utrzymuje się język łużycki? – na przykładzie katolickiej gminy serbołużyckiej’. Pro Lusatia 7. 76–90.
Kimura Goro Christoph 2011, ‘Japansce wuknyć serbšćinu. Ken Machida (wud.): Yooroppa no omoshiro gengo’ [Zajimawe rěče w Europje]. Rozhlad 61 (10). 36.
Kimura Goro Christoph Forthcoming. ‘Spracherhalt als Prozess: Elemente des kirchlichen Sprachmanagements bei den katholischen Sorben’ [Language maintenance as a process: Elements of Sorbian language management in the Catholic church]. To appear in International Journal of the Sociology of Language.
Kimura Goro Christoph, Sasahara Ken 2009, ‘Zajim za Serbow a sorabistika w Japanskej’. Pro Lusatia 8. 6–18.
Matsubara Koji 2007, ‘Review of KIMURA Goro Christoph. Gengo ni totte “jin-i-sei” towananika? (What Does “Artificiality” Mean to Language?: The Case Studies of Cornish and Sorbian as Exemplars of Language Construction and Language Ideology). Tokyo: Sangensha, 2005. xvii + 608pp’. Language Problems and Language Planning 31 (1). 298–301.
Mitani Keiko, 2005, ‘Hornjoserbšćina po japansku’. Frencl, Alfons. Serbska protyka 2006. Budyšin: Ludowe nakładnistwo Domowina. 64–66.
Sasahara Ken 2000, ‘Vocabulary in the Crostwitz dialect of Upper Sorbian’. Tsunoda, Tasaku (ed.): Basic Materials in Minority Languages. Department of Asian and Pacific Linguistics, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo. 51–63. (Also in Tsunoda, Tasaku (ed.): Basic Materials in Minority Languages 2001 (= ELPR Publication Series B001). Kyoto: ELPR. 13–25).
Sasahara Ken 2000, ‘The Agreement of the third person dual in the Crostwitz dialect of Upper Sorbian’. Tokyo University Linguistic Papers 19. 247–259. SO 69 Sorbian studies in Japan: trends and perspectives 129.
Sasahara Ken 2002, ‘Tentatiwna analyza refleksiwneho pronomena so a genusa verbi w hornjoserbšćinje’. Sorapis 3. 145–157.
Sasahara Ken 2002, ‘Der Relativsatz im Obersorbischen’. Veröffentlichungen des Japanisch-Deutschen Zentrums Berlin. Band 46. Berlin: JDZB. 68–73.
Sasahara Ken 2003, ‘Ke konstrukcijam morfema so z pasiwnym woznamom w hornjoserbskej rěči’. Sorapis 4. 27–35.
Sasahara Ken 2004, ‘Wo XIV. mjezynarodnym lětnim ferialnym kursu za serbsku rěč a kulturu w Budyšinje’. Rozhlad 54 (10). 392–394.
Sasahara Ken 2006, ‘Passive construction, nature of verbs, and animacy of constituents in the Upper Sorbian written language’. Yoshida, Hiromi, and Kojima, Yasuhiro (eds.): Animacy in LanguagesTokyo: 21st Century COE Program DALS, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo. 47–74.
Sasahara Ken 2007, ‘Tatsachen über das Sorbenland’. Nichi-doku kenkyuu ronshuu [Jahresblätter für japanische und deutsche Forschung in Japan] 2. 73–80.
Sasahara Ken 2008, ‘Němske wliwy na hornjoserbšćinu pola młodźiny w rěčnym teksće’. Pro Lusatia 7. 91–97.
Sasahara Ken 2009, ‘Prěnje čitanje sorabistiki w Japanskej’. Rozhlad 59 (2/3). 113–114.
Sasahara Ken2009, ‘Upper Sorbian Pear Stories by young speakers with grammatical analysis and comments’. Hieda, Osamu, Minegishi, Makoto and Kawaguchi, Yuji (eds.): Working Papers in Corpus-based Linguistics and Language Education 2. Fuchuu: Global COE Program, ‘Corpus-based Linguistics and Language Education’ (CbLLE), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. 117–141.