The article is devoted to the evolution of Victor Domontovych’s creative thinking in his last novel Without Foundation. This work of art became a resume of his writing and an intertext for his philosophical and culturological research in scientific and critical articles from this period. The basic theme of this novel is the end of the epoch; the author addresses the theme of the exhaustion of modernity’s value and aesthetic systems, which formed the basis of his early artistic works. The analysis of Domontovych’s perception of the epoch boundary, his exhaustion of the cultural paradigm of modernism and the embodiment of his conclusions in the works make the research relevant, especially in terms of the changing landmarks of modern global culture. The research is based on the structural-semiotic methodology of literary text interpretations, which allows the different levels of the text organization to be reviewed, thus reaching wider cultural generalizations. This study helps to better understand the author’s concept of the culture crisis and the poetics of the novel Without Foundation.
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