The article deals with issues from the history of Ukrainian translatology, namely the de- velopment of this science in the field of theory, practice and criticism of translation in the 1920s–1930s. The main hypothesis of the article concerns the significant role of journals in the process of establishing Ukrainian translatology as a science. For this purpose, critical and theoretical texts that appeared in the monthly magazines “Червоний шлях” (1923–1936) and “Життя й революція” (1925–1934) were ana- lyzed, and translations of literary texts published in them were counted. As a result of this research, fur- ther prospective threads of research on the translation material contained in the given sources emerged.
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Strikha M., Ukrainskyi khudozhnii pereklad: mizh literaturoiu i natsiietvorenniam [Ukrainian literary translation: between literature and nation-building], Kyiv: Fakt-Nash chas, 2006.
Ukrainska perekladoznavcha dumka 1920-kh – pochatku 1930-kh rokiv [Ukrainian translational thought of the 1920s – early 1930s], za red. L.M.Chernovatoho ta V.I.Karabana, Vinnytsia: Nova Knyha, 2011.
Xudozhestvenno-filologicheskij perevod 1920–1930x godov [Artistic and philological translation of the 1920s–1930s], pod red. M. Baskinoj, Sankt-Peterburg: Nestor-Istoriya, 2022.
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Shmiher T., Oleksandr Finkel – teoretyk ukrainskoho perekladu [Oleksandr Finkel is a theorist of Ukrainian translation], [v:] Hryhorii Kochur i ukrainskyi pereklad: materialy mizhnar. nauk.- prakt. konf., red. O. Cherednychenko ta in., Kyiv-Irpin: Perun 2003, s. 272–278.
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Burhardt O., Novyi ukrainskyi pereklad „Favsta” [New Ukrainian translation of “Faust”], [v:] „Zhyttia y revoliutsiia”, 1926, no. 7, s. 116–121.
Derzhavin V., Problema virshovanoho perekladu [The problem of verse translation], [v:] „Pluzhanyn”, 1927a, no. 9–10, s. 44–51.
Derzhavin V., Rets. na kn.: Volter. Kandid abo optymizm. Pereklav z frants. V. Pidmohylnyi [Rev. on: Voltaire. Candide or optimism. Translated from French. V. Podhogilnyi], [v:] „Chervonyi shliakh”, 1927b, no. 11, s. 285–286.
Derzhavin V., Nashi pereklady z zakhidnykh kliasykiv ta potreby suchasnoho chytacha [Our translations from Western classics and the needs of the modern reader], [v:] „Chervonyi shliakh”, 1930, no. 10, s. 60–68.
Drai-Khmara M., Pro cheskyi pereklad poezii P. Tychyny [About the Czech translation of P. Tychyna’s poems], [v:] „Zhyttia y revoliutsiia”, 1929, no. 1, s. 185–188.
Zerov M., Kamena [Kamena], Kyiv: Slovo, 1924.
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Kahanov I., Rets. na kn.: Sharl de-Koster. Lehenda pro Tilia Ulenshpihelia. Skorochenyi pereklad L. Krasovskoho [Rev. on: Charles de Coster. The legend of Thiel Uhlenspiegel. Abridged translation by L. Krasovsky], [v:] „Chervonyi shliakh”, 1929, no. 1, s. 272–273.
Kulyk I., Rets. na kn.: Songs of Ukraina with Ruthenian poems, transl. by F.R. Livesay [Rev. on: Songs of Ukraina with Ruthenian poems, transl. by F.R. Livesay], [v:] „Chervonyi shliakh”, 1924, no. 6, s. 267–269.
Levytskyi Ol., Rets. na kn.: Hektor Malo. Bezridnyi. Vydannia skorochene dlia ditei molodshoho viku. Perekazav Oleksa Dikhtiar [Rev. on: Hector Malo. Originless. The edition is abbreviated for younger children. Narrated by Oleksa Dikhtyar], [v:] „Zhyttia y revoliutsiia”, 1926, no. 12, s. 103–104.
Maifet H., Z uvah do teorii perekladu [From attention to the theory of translation], [v:] „Krytyka”, 1928, no. 3, s. 84–93.
Maifet H., Rets. na kn.: Finkel O. Teoriia y praktyka perekladu [Rev. on: Finkel O. Theory and practice of translation], [v:] „Chervonyi shliakh”, 1929a, no. 12, s. 249–253.
Maifet H., Rets. na kn.: V. Shekspir. Hamlet. Pereklad M. Starytskoho [Rev. on: V. Shakespeare. Hamlet. Translated by M. Starytskyi], [v:] „Chervonyi shliakh”, 1929b, no. 5–6, s. 277–280.
Raitsyn E., Rets. na kn.: Erikh Mariia Remark. Na zakhidnomu fronti bez zmin. Perekl. z nimetskoi movy Zh. Burhardt. Erikh M. Remark. Na zakhodi bez zmin. Z nimetskoi movy pereklav M. Balytskyi [Rev. on: Erich Maria Remarque. All Quiet on the Western Front. Translated from German by J. Burghardt. Erich M. Remark. In the west, without changes. Translated from German by M. Balytskyi], [v:] „Chervonyi shliakh”, 1930, no. 1, s. 210–212.
Rykhlyk Ye., Rets. na kn: Adam Mitskevych. „Pan Tadeush”. Pereklad i vstupna stattia M. Rylskoho [Rev. on: Adam Mickiewicz. “Mr. Tadeusz”. Translation and introductory article by M. Rylskyi], [v:] „Chervonyi shliakh”, 1928, no. 9–10, s. 267–268.
Rodzevych S., Rets. na kn.: Adam Mitskevych. Pan Tadeush. Pereklad i vstupna stattia M. Rylskoho [Rev. on: Adam Mickiewicz. Mr. Tadeusz. Translation and introductory article by M. Rylskyi], [v:] „Zhyttia y revoliutsiia”, 1928, no. 4, s. 183–186.
Rudyk D., Hainrikh Haine v novomu perekladi [Heinrich Heine in a new translation], [v:] „Zhyttia y revoliutsiia”, 1930, no. 10, s. 105–124.
Savchenko S., Rets. na kn.: Dzhek London – Tvory. Povna zbirka. Tom pershyi: Morskyi vovk. Pereklad z anhliiskoi movy Dmytra Lysychenka [Rev. on: Jack London – Works. Complete assembly. Volume One: The Sea Wolf. Translated from English by Dmytro Lysychenko], [v:] „Zhyttia y revoliutsiia”, 1927, no. 4 (2), s. 132–133.
Savchenko S., Rets. na kn.: Devianosto tretii rik. Povnyi pereklad z frantsuzkoi movy Olhy Kryvyniuk i Liubovy Komarovoi [Ninety-third year. Complete translation from French by Olga Krivyniuk and Lyubov Komarova], [v:] „Zhyttia y revoliutsiia”, 1928, no. 5, s. 192–195.
Savchenko Yu., Pochyn [The Beginning], [v:] „Pluzhanyn”, 1927, no. 9–10, s. 63–71. Starynkevych L., Rets. na kn.: Flober Hustav. Madam Bovari. Tvory, tom pershyi. (Pobut provintsii). Pereklad O. Bublyk-Hordon [Rev. on: Flaubert Gustav. Madame Bovary. Works, volume one. (Life of the province). Translated by O. Bublyk-Gordon], [v:] „Chervonyi shliakh”, 1930, no. 7–8, s. 210–213.
Stepniak M., Rets. na kn.: Petro Panch. Golubye e’shelony. Rasskazy. Perevod s ukrainskogo N.A. Xomenko i N.M. Rudina [Rev. on: Petro Punch. Blue echelons. Stories. Translation from Ukrainian N.A. Khomenko and N.M. Rudina], [v:]„Chervonyi shliakh”, 1929, no. 1, s. 262–266.
Fylypovych P., Rets. na kn.: Mykola Hohol. Taras Bulba. Povist. Pereklav na ukrainsku movu Mykola Sadovskyi [Rev. on: Mykola Gogol. Taras Bulba. Story. Translated into Ukrainian by Mykola Sadovskyi], [v:] „Zhyttia y revoliutsiia”, 1928, no. 4, s. 179–183.
Finkel O., Teoriia y praktyka perekladu [Theory and practice of translation], Kharkiv: Derzhavne vydavnytstvo Ukrainy, 1929.
Finkel O., Rets. na kn.: H. Orliand. Hrebli. Pereklav z yevreiskoi E. Raitsyn [Rev. on: G. Orlyand. Dams Translated from the Hebrew by E. Raitsyn], [v:] „Chervonyi shliakh”, 1930, no. 11–12, s. 218–220.
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