The article is devoted to the theme of people with disabilities in modern Ukrainian literature. The purpose of the article is to analyze the issues which a person with Tourette’s syndrome has in modern society, as described in the novel (In)visible by Ivan Baidak. Based on the interpreta- tion, it can be concluded that in the novel, the presence of characters with disabilities is marked by the physical condition of the author himself. With their help, he seeks not only to declare his own values and guidelines, but also to persuade people to accept the Other as a part of society. The desire for understanding, love and support fails due to the prevailing stereotypes in society, in which there is often no place for the protagonist Adam, because for people he remains the Other, a Stranger, or, as the author says at the beginning of the novel, the “Unlike”. In addition, the novel aims to help people with disabilities understand themselves and, most importantly, accept their uniqueness and learn to love themselves.
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