The artistic image of fact in Marichka Kryzhanivska’s novel "Shadows"
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artistic documentary
images of the past
memory trauma
Serhii Paradzhanov

How to Cite

Danylenko, L. (2022). The artistic image of fact in Marichka Kryzhanivska’s novel "Shadows". Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 10(2), 83–96.


The author of the article is interested in the specifics of artistic documentaries in Soviet-era prose. The purpose of the study is to characterize the features of artistic documentary in Marichka Kryzhanivska’s novel Shadows, dedicated to the film director Serhiy Paradzhanov and the history of the filming of the film “Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors”. The author explains the meaning of the intertext, reveals the specifics of the image of famous figures, analyzes the expediency of combining mysticism and reality. It is determined here that the facts used in the novel vividly demonstrate the traumas of the colonial past. The combination of reality and mysticism provide an original image of the past, creating a dynamic plot.
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