The article is devoted to an analysis of the concept of “water” in the short prose of Joseph Conrad – the famous British writer of Polish origin, who was born in Ukraine. The purpose of the study was to research the linguistic and cognitive nature of the concept “water” as an indicator of the author’s individual style. The study confirms that new scientific approaches (linguocognitive, linguocultural, and linguoconceptual) open up wide opportunities for a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of Joseph Conrad and allow a new approach to understanding both the author’s personality and the key concepts in his work. In the course of the analysis, it was found that the concept of “water” in the writer’s works is cognitively multifaceted, polysemantic, and axiologically labeled. The peculiarities of its linguisticization have shown an extensive system of nominations for its designation, numerous conceptual meanings, and the ambivalent nature of the conceptualized concept, which confirms the importance of the corresponding image in the writer’s idiom and helps the reader to model the author’s image, realize the importance of his life experience, and understand the depicted events more deeply. All this gives grounds for the conclusion that the concept of “water” is a relevant feature of the writer’s idiom in Joseph Conrad’s short prose.
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