The author of the article researches one of the common images in the poetry of the Revolution of Dignity – the image of an angel. It repeatedly appears in poems by amateur writers. In addition to the sacred content, this image in poetry also has other features, as a result of which its multifaceted nature is revealed. The image of an angel formed in the minds of Ukrainians acquired other connotations and nuances during the Revolution of Dignity. This study singles out several images that are repeated in amateur poetry: the protective angel, the guardian angel, Archangel Michael, and the angel of death. Another feature of this image is that in Maidan poetry, he is not always a heavenly creature, but often the embodiment of a dead protester. This article analyzes a number of poems by amateur poets and presents the specificities of each of them as confirmation that amateur Maidan poetry deserves a special place in Ukrainian literature.
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