Literature as an art form has various original forms and means of self-expression, which determine the extent of its artistry. One of these means is artistic detail. Modern Ukrainian writer Iryna Savka uses micro-images (artistic detail) widely in her short stories, which, in fact, is a feature that distinguishes her works from others’ and makes them all the more recognizable. The relevance of this study lies in the fact that Savka’s works have not yet been researched thoroughly, in particular, regarding the use of artistic detail. Hence, this article can be considered an attempt to include Sawka’s novellas in the area of interest of contemporary scientific discourse. It is also worth noting how the key micro-image often appears in titles of Sawka’s works, with the entire plot then being built around it. This study specifically considers those micro-images that constitute a kind of visualization of how the text is perceived and most strongly affect the reader’s imagination.
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