Contemporary urbanonymous space of Ternopil city
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lexical and semantic analysis
motive of nomination
proper name

How to Cite

Bachynska, H., & Verbovetska, O. (2023). Contemporary urbanonymous space of Ternopil city. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 11(2), 17–27.


Toponymic space is an expression of the cultural and historical frame. Today, it becomes relevant because we observe the frequent renaming of streets due to changes in political vectors or historical events. The purpose of the article is to provide a comprehensive description of the modern-day hodonyms of the city of Ternopil; the tasks of the research are to carry out a motivational, lexical, semantic-structural analysis of the city’s proper names in the synchronic and functional aspects. Hodonyms have the ability to reflect the ideological policy of the state, the ethnic, economic and cultural specificity of the city. Commemorative names (62%) are the most fully represented in Ternopil’s urbanonymicon. They eloquently convey valuable information about the history and culture of the state in general and the region in particular. According to the semantics of the constituent bases, the hodonyms of the city of Ternopil are divided into homonymous (68%), appellative (29%) and homonymous-appellative (3%) formations. The city’s hodonymicon is characterised by sustainability and a large number of local names. The influence of Soviet and Russian ideologies is minimised, although it is present in several names. The names of Ternopil’s streets reflect Ukrainian realities, meet historical, aesthetic, ethnographic, and cultural criteria, and create an original “face” of the city.
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