The article presents an analysis of parcellation in Mariia Matios’ famous novel. Its aim is to consider parcellation as a characteristic feature of the writer’s style. Parcellation is considered from special structural-compositional, semantic-meaning and intentional-pragmatic perspectives. The author employs communicative and pragmatic approaches to study this phenomenon. The use of parcellation figures contributes to increasing the information saturation of an artistic text, while also emphasising the expressiveness of the statement. The aim of this article is to present a communicative and pragmatic approach to the study of this phenomenon. The research confirms that parcellated constructions in the artistic works of contemporary Ukrainian novelists have both a communicative and a pragmatic orientation. The main function of the figures in a literary text studied here is that of logical selection, which is often combined with auxiliary functions: clarification, concretisation, actualisation of thoughts, expression of modal meanings.
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