The article presents a general description of colors in the novella Klymko by the famous Ukrainian writer Hryhir Tyutyunnyk and the symbolic content of their semantics. The idea of the article arose from the lack of any research into the features of lexemes used to denote colors in the writer’s works. The article conducts a quantitative and qualitative analysis of colors in Hryhir Tyu- tyunnyk’s novella Klymko. The author also tries to characterize the colors from the point of view of parts of speech. In particular, it is established that colors are represented by different parts of speech: adjectives, verbs and verb forms, adverbs and nouns. Adjectives are the most common among color names, while verbs and verb forms are used less often. There are also isolated cases of adverbs and nouns being used to describe some colors. Special attention is paid to the semantic features of complex color lexemes and the stylistic use of colors in Klymko. It is established that colors help to convey the writer’s worldview, and express the thoughts, views and feelings of the characters of the work. The article is based on linguistic and cultural studies.
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