The article illustrates gender metaphors in postmodern Ukrainian discourse based on Oksana Zabuzhko’s prose texts. In any culture, stereotypes are a set of certain stable ideas that are imposed by religions, historical and mental experiences, which are based on folklore traditions or generally accepted ideas about social status and what is masculine and what is feminine in every linguistic culture. This study is conditioned by a general focus on the selection of formal indicators of gender characteristics and methods for verbalizing them, and on the need for a more detailed analysis of gender stereotypes, especially those that demonstrate the history of the patriarchal or matriarchal development of humanity, and which have cultural significance as part of the overall picture of the world and reflect the vision of the surrounding world by individual artists. A linguistic personality, brought up and nurtured on certain social, cultural and linguistic precepts, creates its own network of associations, in which metaphor occupies a certain place. It create
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