Strangers among our own (I): naming persons based on the migration processes in Ukraine at the end of 20th and the beginning of 21st century
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lexical units
own – stranger
migration processes

How to Cite

Redkva, M. (2024). Strangers among our own (I): naming persons based on the migration processes in Ukraine at the end of 20th and the beginning of 21st century. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 12(1), 39–53.


The article deals with the widespread opposition own – stranger in the naming of persons in the Ukrainian language. The research is based on migration processes in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Depending on the circumstances, the naming of persons demonstrates attitudes and relations among Ukrainians. On the one hand, we can speak about close relations with our own, and on the other, about the exclusion of persons from the community or society due to certain factors. The main lexical units used, created or updated in new contexts show the changes in Ukrainian society and the boundaries inside forming it. The purpose of the article is to present and analyze separate lexical units, to check their meaning in dictionaries, and compare the change or expansion of the meaning of the words, and reveal their new connotations in new social and political conditions. The study shows significant changes in the consciousness of Ukrainians and their perception of compatriots-migrants, who acquire features of strangers or others.
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